VBScript: 크기가 정해지지 않은 DynamicArray 클래스

DynamicArray 클래스

Class DynamicArray
    '************** Properties **************
    Private aData

    '*********** Event Handlers *************
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Redim aData(0)
    End Sub

    '************ Property Get **************
    Public Property Get Data(iPos)
        'Make sure the end developer is not requesting an
        '"out of bounds" array element
        If iPos < LBound(aData) or iPos > UBound(aData) then
            Exit Property    'Invalid range
        End If

        Data = aData(iPos)
    End Property

    Public Property Get DataArray()
        DataArray = aData
    End Property

    '************ Property Let **************
    Public Property Let Data(iPos, varValue)
        'Make sure iPos >= LBound(aData)
        If iPos < LBound(aData) Then Exit Property

        If iPos > UBound(aData) then
            'We need to resize the array
            Redim Preserve aData(iPos)
            aData(iPos) = varValue
            'We don't need to resize the array
            aData(iPos) = varValue
        End If
    End Property

    '************** Methods *****************
    Public Function StartIndex()
        StartIndex = LBound(aData)
    End Function

    Public Function StopIndex()
        StopIndex = UBound(aData)
    End Function

    Public Sub Delete(iPos)
        'Make sure iPos is within acceptable ranges
        If iPos < LBound(aData) or iPos > UBound(aData) then
            Exit Sub    'Invalid range
        End If

        Dim iLoop
        For iLoop = iPos to UBound(aData) - 1
            aData(iLoop) = aData(iLoop + 1)

        Redim Preserve aData(UBound(aData) - 1)
    End Sub
End Class

출처: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/032800-1.shtml