Revu 2.0 소셜쇼핑

Revu 2.0 서비스 소개 및 소셜쇼핑에 대한 좋은 포스트가 있어서 퍼왔다.


Revu 2.0 and the storytelling-commerce integragion.

Revu, a collaborative product review service from Opinity AP, recently re-launched. Before the relaunch, Revu was essentially a product review search engine with a Google-like simple front page. But now the service has added more features and seems to aim at becoming a “social shopping” site, with new features like Buzz Items.

Here’s how Revu typically works. You upload an “item” – ranging from Starbucks Latte to BMW X5 sport ute – on Revu. Then, other people find the item and the reviews associated with the item, or add their own reviews. One can also publish his/her “items list” under the name “one’s collection”. If you got a good shopping taste and good product review skills, people might become a follower of yours and subscribe to your collection.

Revu offers a unique feature called “Q tag”, or “qualitative tag”, on top of a basic tagging feature. Q tag allows people to rate tags with “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” by clicking on the + or – buttons given at the end of each tag. Tags are good but requires at least some typing effort, which is why (reportedly) less than 1% of people actually tag; To prevent the tags from being skewed, reflecting only a single person’s idea, Revu has designed a “tag rating” system.

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So who are the competitors of Revu? The answer depends on how the service defines itself. When Revu was solely focused on product review search, it was pretty much a service of its own, at least in Korea. But if the service wants to set its foot in a bigger game, namely social shopping, then Revu might find itself facing bigger competitions in companies like Auction.

Auction, an Ebay company in Korea, has always been interested in combining story-telling and online commerce. Their TV advertisement tagline is “Auction your style”. The underlying message there: As more and more buyers will find and get drawn to you because of your style, not an item or two you’re selling, why don’t you show your “style” on Auction, get more followers, and become an online star?

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Under this philosophy, Auction has been churning out some interesting features such as “Auction Sancy“, squarely targeted at young female audience. Auction Sancy is like a female portal within Auction (think an Ebay Girls). On Auction Sancy, you get to meet the “style leaders”, or the street fashionistas posing in front of camera in nice outfits (which get to be sold on Auction, of course).

One interesting feature within Auction Sancy is what’s roughly translated as “the beauty queen shop”. The service lets young girls build a Cyworld-like minihompy within Auction. The girls show off their style through those minihompies; Other girls are drawn to the style and buy the item. So the “beauty queen shop” runners can make some nice money, as well as satisfying their desire to show off their style and beauty. It’s like running your own boutique line where both the designer and the fashion model are, well, you. 

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Other than Auction, there are also some other storytelling-based commerce services. Storyshop, for example, syndicates review content from print and online magazines and cross-sell products related to the article. For example, the service first presents interesting magazine articles such as “Wondering what bags to carry for your honeymoon?” and then places links to buy luggage bags at the bottom of the article.

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Meanwhile, Japan’s Magaseek is an online shopping mall where the products featured in many of girls’ fashion magazines are sold. A reader of fashion magazines often wants to buy the item featured on the magazine, right away. Magaseek allows you to do that. A similar feature is included in the Fashionwalker as well.

Encouraged by the fact that most people almost invariably ask other people – friends or “gurus” – when it comes to purchase-related decisions, the concept of social shopping has been regarded as the “holy grail” of Web 2.0 companies ranging from Kaboodle to ThisNext to Stylehive. But in Asia, we still don’t see a clear winner in the market, nor a company that has truly effectively harnessed the power of social shopping. Who will come out as a winner in this “holy grail” remains to be seen – it just might be Revu.

Daum DevNight 2007 참가하게 되다.

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다음 “DevNight 2007″에 신청을 했었는데, 통과가 됐다. 금요일 저녁부터 다음날 새벽까지인데 체력이 될지 모르겠다. 토요일은 등산가려고 잡아놨는데 연기해야겠다.
이왕 이렇게 된거 “직장인 블로거 유저를 위한 정모“가 토요일에 있던데 여기도 한번 참가해볼까?

구글에게 들통난 한국의 세계 최대 프로젝트

재미있는 블로그 포스트가 있어서 퍼왔다.

지난 5월 21일 “인공위성에도 잡힌 세계에서 가장 큰 한국산 TV” 란 제목으로
제가 블로그에 포스팅한 글이 있습니다.

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모 언론사 기자로 부터 어제 한통에 전화를 받았습니다.
제가 포스팅한 블로그 글에 관심이 있다는 내용이었습니다.

그리고 S사 측에 알아보니 모른다는 내용이었습니다.

그래서 자세한 내용을 알아보고 연락을 주겠다고 했습니다.

몇가지 의문점이 생겼습니다.

세계 최대의 플라즈마TV라면 아직 언론에서 모를리가 없는데..

그러면 이런 사실을 알려준 해외에 있는 지인은 어떻게 알게 되었을까?

다시 연락을 해서 물어보니 우연히 구글에서
이런 내용이 올라 있는것을 본 사람이 있다는것입니다.

구글을 뒤지고 뒤져보니 정말 자세한 내용이 올라 있었습니다.

내용을 요약 하면 이렇습니다.

“구글 어스 위성이 삼성의 세계에서 가장 큰 프라스마 TV의 일급 개발 비밀을 공개했다.
 일본의 마스시타 제조사가 그 전에는 102, 103 모델에서 삼성을 앞섰지만,
삼성이 아프리카의 알제리로 근거지를 옮겨 마스시타의 스파이가 알 수 없도록 했다.

더 이상은 따라 올 수 없도록 삼성은 4975인치 프라스마 스크린을 개발했는데,
이것은 너무 커서 뒷 부분이 지탱하기 힘든 점이 실수인지도 모르겠다”
라는 내용이다.

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정말 대단한 인터넷입니다.

산업 스파이를 피해서 저 멀리 알제리에서 비밀리에 프로젝트를 진행 했는데
인공위성때문에 틀켜 버린것 입니다.

사실 저도 공개를 망설였는데 세계 최대 플라즈마 스크린이 완성 되었다고 해서
공개 하기로 결정을 했습니다.

아마도 성공 했다면 얼마후 언론에 공개가 될것이라고 생각을 합니다.

이 글을 읽고 계시는 블로거 여러분은 세계 최대 플라즈마 TV를 인공위성으로나마
최초로 보시는게 됩니다^^

역시 대한민국은 대단한 나라 입니다.

[07.5.26. 령이애비]